
Conflict Resolution

Litigation and Arbitration

We have rigorous methods of empirical and analytical analysis for resolving competition disputes, which have been tested in more tahn 300 processes.

Loss of profits, additional expenses, business interruption losses, business valuation, effects of regulatory changes, intellectual property, solvency and bankruptcies, credit crises, financial assets, post M&A price adjustments.

Economic analysis, valuation opinions, damage assessments, regulatory opinions, and expert testimonies in arbitration cases.

Assessment of the relevance of economic evidence for class action lawsuits, identification of material differences among plaintiffs, feasibility analysis in estimating individual damages.

International trade disputes may require specialized economic support, whether in raising cases of dumping, state subsidies, safeguards, or others.

Quantitative analysis to assist Principals, Contractors, Attorneys and Arbitrators in the handling and resolution of claims, during and after the execution of a project. Prevention and management of conflicts and controversies.

We provide support in administrative auditing and sanction processes, as well as in environmental litigation and arbitration. Economic reports, critical review of methodology and information used by auditors in the determination of fines.

Economic analysis, valuation opinions, damage assessments, regulatory opinions, and expert testimonies in arbitrations.